Amber Teething Necklaces -- How Do They Work?
I am often asked about the science behind amber teething necklaces. Parents also want to know if there are any side effects to wearing amber for long periods of time.
Unlike teething gels, powders or pain relief syrups, the traditional beaded amber necklaces imported from the Baltic region are a non-invasive and side-effect free remedy for the pain and complications of teething, such as lack of appetite, upset tummies, ear ache, fevers and colds.
A natural analgesic, amber will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs.
Amber is a resin, not a stone. It is therefore warm to the touch, as well as very comfortable and light to wear.
Scientific investigation into the therapeutic effects of amber is ongoing.
Currently, there are two different theories that attempt to explain how wearing amber on the skin can have a soothing and calming effect on teething babies and toddlers.
One theory suggests that when amber is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases miniscule amounts of healing oils from the amber which are then absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream.
Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, you will find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies. Pharmacists and doctors have long known about the healing properties of amber which include calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.
A second theory is based on scientific findings which have shown that amber is electromagnetically alive and therefore charged with a significant amount of organic energy. Its special attribute is the fact that it is electronegative. Wearing amber produces negative ionisation on the skin's surface. This, in turn, has a positive influence on the human body. The negative ions assist in the in the prevention of illness. These health-promoting effects apply to babies, children and adults alike.
It is possible that the soothing and calming effect of amber teething necklaces, which has been empirically observed, is based on a combination of the factors listed above.
Katharina Bishop is a freelance writer. She is the owner of Wondrous Gems, a business specializing in amber and gemstone jewelry, with the aim of promoting the healing properties of crystals and gemstones.
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