Necklaces Talks


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Glow Necklaces: General Information

Glow necklaces are among some of the many popular glow sticks products available. People love to wear glow-in-the-dark items for the visual effects that can be created when out on the town or even at a friend’s party.

Glow Necklaces glow because of the interaction of two chemicals inside the plastic tubing. These chemicals Cyalume and concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide which are kept separate via a small glass vial containing the Hydrogen Peroxide. When the vial is broken by gently bending the plastic tubing the two chemicals interact and the necklaces begin to glow in the dark.

Most necklaces range in size from fifteen to twenty two inches. You can connect the necklace and remove it from your neck via means of a small, clear, hollow, plastic tube stuck to the end of the glow necklace. Many people like to string their glow necklaces together to create long tubing or a light rope to use as decoration at parties.

On average the glow necklace will last between eight and twelve hours, which is a long time for a party, but it’s reassuring to know that you will have light until the sun comes up. They come in many colors, white, green, yellow-green, hot pink, red, blue, purple and orange.

If you happen to have a black light at home or like to go places with black lights go ahead and keep your glow necklaces after they are used up. The florescent dyes used in the glow necklace will still light up and glow under a black light. If you want to preserve your glow necklace’s light for later you can try placing it in the freezer. This will slow down the chemical reaction causing the light to dim. When you want to use it again take it out of the freezer and warm between your hands. Conversely heating up the glow necklace will cause it to glow brighter but for a shorter period of time.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Huge selection of Glow Sticks, free party games, and party planning ideas.

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