A Jewelry Style All Your Own...Gemstone Necklaces by Fifi La Roux
Jewelry can be bland and predictable, expand your horizons and find the designer that makes people stop you in your tracks to ask, "where did you get that??!!"
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be the first to start a trend or buy things that would ultimately be part of my very own signature style. Whether it's perfume, furniture, my workout clothes (I have over one hundred bandannas that interchange), my dishes, the color of my house (giallo-chiaro), the beer I drink, etc...as a happily married mother of four, my preferences for the unique and different is at an all time high. I first discovered jewelry designer Fifi La Roux a few months ago at a jewelry store while on vacation in Virginia Beach. I remember the woman who sold me my first necklace saying that soon enough, everyone will know and want Fifi La Roux necklaces. That was enough for me to not only buy one ready made, but to keep in touch with the sales executive because I was told I had the option to work with a Fifi La Roux design consultant so I can make my very own unique piece that would not be reproduced. My mouth dropped open, this is the best case scenario! So, I figured I finally had to share my secret. What does it matter, I will always have the option of sending my design consultant a picture of my favorite dress so we can create a brand new necklace, especially for me, specifically for my special night.
For more information visit: www.fifilaroux.comJanice Trumpa owns her own private interior design business in New Jersey and praises her motto, "you don't have to be a housewife in Orange County to be glamorous!
Labels: diamond_circle_necklace, gem_stone_necklace, pearl_necklace, sterling_silver_necklace, wholesale_necklace